Class material

Lesson 1 – Introduction to webmarketing

Estimated time
  • 45 minutes to go through the content
  • 2h00 to prepare the homework
  • 20 minutes to present homework and take notes regarding the corrections that are required. Only few groups are asked to present their homework, but everyone is encouraged to pay full attention to the presentation, as it really has to be considered as ‘part of the class material’
Objective : Understand the key principles of webmarketing.

Agenda :

In this lesson, we are going to :

  • Briefly talk about the evolution of marketing over the last decades,
  • See how customer culture impacts their approach
  • Raise the question of the business models that are common to most apps and sites
  • Raise the question of the customer insights collection tools that advertisers and advertising agencies have at their disposal.

Abstract :

Webmarketing is just marketing … on the web, meaning it obeys to the same principles than the ones of traditional marketing. What are those principles ? Sell the right product, to the right place, at the right time, to the right people, and of course at the right price. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it ? If we were to compare traditional marketing and web-marketing, I would say that they are similar in the essence of what is done, but in terms of operational means, web-marketing is “Faster, stronger, better, cheaper … and the work is never over” (copyright daft punk). Although ‘cheaper’ is highly questionable, it is true that, unlike traditional marketing, web marketing allows to keep track of a loooooot of things.

Anyway, the recipe remains unchanged : if you want to sell something, you just have to please your customers in the first place. This means offering them something that they consider as valuable, or that suits they personal tastes.

Just as you would try and find the best birthday present for someone by asking what this person likes, web-marketers are trying to figure out what would please customers by looking at the way they behave. Well, not all the time, but each time they perform an action that can be tracked (and if you consider how connected we are … this could indeed mean almost all the time).

Class material :
PDF format
Video format
Lesson 1 – Part 1 /2

If for any reasons the video does not show properly, here is the link :

Lesson 1 – Part 2/2

If for any reasons the video does not show properly, here is the link :


Visit the homework page to see what’s expected from you for this lesson.

Take the quiz to check your knowledge.

If for any reasons the quiz does not show properly, here is the link :–9IPEf_VAU0QBqbZEKMdQ/viewform

2 replies on “Lesson 1 – Introduction to webmarketing”

Dear Nina,
As per mentioned during our first Q&A, the site remains accessible after Friday, and you’ll be able to use it to review for the exam :).
All the best

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